Archive March, 2023 - lemonluck

Spicy Haiku

woken at seven:
“someone maded a mess, mom.”
dozens of spices.

J, 20 minutes later, bounding down the stairs and then stopping short of the kitchen: “why does the whole house smell like pizza?”

Related: hangover haiku // on the other hand, he provides different, world-changing, day-to-day perspectives?

Snow Day

Last night, school called a preemptive snow day based on a likely miserable morning commute. Work did not. Today therefore became an unofficial “take your school-age-children to work day.”

Naturally, those are mugs of sprinkles.

Related: Miss Laurie also canceled today *sobs* // great career advice.

International Women’s Day


Me: today is International Women’s Day, boys! Do you all know what IWD is all about?
Boys: *shaking heads while consuming their way through the better part of a loaf of cinnamon toast*
Me: IWD is about celebrating the power and contributions of all the women around you. You guys know a lot of amazing women, don’t you?
Boys: yeah!
Me: like who?
J: you!
O: Gigi!
J: Ethan’s mom!
A: Aunt Erin!
Dave, walking into the room: but who is your favorite international woman today?!
O: Minnie Mouse!!

A few hours later, over a morning coffee chat with some distinguished international women in my professional world, I joked about starting my day with this moment of celebration and humility with my sons.

But then one of my colleagues quipped, “hey, Minnie is an international icon, small business owner, and entrepreneur; Happy Helpers anyone? Your son is onto something.”

Another woman chimed in, “yeah — plus she has a female business partner… and does it all in heels.”

Happy International Women’s Day, everyone.

Related: 3 ways I’ve tried to be intentional with my sons // The Ford Explorer: Men’s Only Edition (audio or sub-titles on!)