Archive January, 2022 - lemonluck

Motherhood is a Super Power

Birth week vs present day. Is it weird to be profoundly impressed with yourself if it’s something your “self” does on auto-pilot?

PS saving the bag on the left for C’s [imminent] first daycare cold as he’s starting this week with my return to work! More to come…

Immunity Haiku

I finish making dinner tonight and look over to see that A has helped himself to a snack as he waited. *Face palm*

Indiscriminate consumption of apples: what does this remind me of?

Adam and Eve? Snow White’s bait? The catalyst of the Trojan War??

No… These trouble-filled stories are too on the nose, even for A.

Let’s go with this:

A haiku inspired by our toddler who evidently maintains an impenetrable immune system:

an apple each day
keeps the doctor away, so
of course he tests neg.

Tell Me You’re a Boy Mom Without Telling Me You’re a Boy Mom

I find myself optimistically clicking these ads after conducting this search.

Today’s Irrefutable Evidence That I Am A Grown-Up

  1. I told my children they could only eat one chocolate covered strawberry after dinner. I then hid in the pantry and consumed seven.
  2. I texted the sentence “that playground was dope” without an ounce of irony.
  3. I considered (no, really) writing a love letter to my new toaster. But come on, just look at her!

Bright Copper Kettles & (Evidently) Bakugan Balls

For posterity’s sake, a gift guide for the winners from Christmas 2021:

For your…