life with four boys is
a lot like dessert at the
local biker bar.
Related: “bottle service” haiku // how we learned about this bar’s family-friendliness.
woken at seven:
“someone maded a mess, mom.”
…dozens of spices.
J, 20 minutes later, bounding down the stairs and then stopping short of the kitchen: “why does the whole house smell like pizza?”
Related: hangover haiku // on the other hand, he provides different, world-changing, day-to-day perspectives?
“what should we name him??”
a family compromise.
no one cedes an inch.
thankful for my crew
and not just because they too
don’t care for turkey.
Related: it’s a step up from last year’s frozen pizza? // (more) fancy like
celebrating five
solar revolutions with
revolving sushi.
no need for stuffies
or security blankets
when you’ve got your truck.
tonight’s happy porch.
but because it’s michigan,
tomorrow will rain.
Related: tiny face strikes again! // Things that scare me. Still applies.
when you turn seven
you can bike to your friend’s house
and fly your first plane. (??)